Jack Muellerleile - Industry Consultant |
| Many investors who were heavily involved in residential real estate are now contacting Jack Muellerleile asking about the cash on cash returns one may expect in the RETAIL PETROLEUM and CARWASH industries. They are considering the following strategies:
1. Buy a modern, well managed gas station (with land) comprised of fuel sales and a C-Store on a 1/2 acre lot and run it as is. Assuming full market price is paid, the Cash on Cash return will likely be at least that described on this exhibit (some ROCs run as high as 40%): 9.9% ROC @ 2 Profit Center Modern Gas Station .
2. Buy an existing gas station capable of improving its performance by upgrading / adding profit centers, then hold it for its seasoned income stream or sell it for a profit. See Cash on Cash Return some are realizing with this strategy by clicking on: 51.4% ROC @ Value Added Existing Gas Station .
3. Buy land, build a high volume, multiple profit center gas station, ramp up the volume to a seasoned level then sell it for a profitable price. See example of this by clicking on: 43.9% ROC @ NTI High Volume 3 Profit Center Gas Station .
4. Buy land, build a Self-Serve Carwash & operate it as an income stream. See the numbers on this strategy at: 35.6% ROC @ NTI Self-Serve Carwash .
5. Buy land, build an In-Bay / Rollover Automatic Carwash & operate it as an income stream. This strategy is available for review at: 37.4% ROC @ NTI In-Bay / Rollover Automatic Carwash .
6. Buy land, build an In-Bay Rollover 5 + 1 Self-Serve Carwash and operate it as an income stream. The numbers for this strategy may be viewed at: 98.9% ROC @ NTI In-Bay Rollover / Self-Serve 5 + 1 Carwash .
7. Buy or lease land, build a FULL SERVICE Conveyorized Tunnel Carwash, ramp-up the volume then sell it for a profit. The facts & figures for this strategy may be reviewed at: 30.5% ROC NTI FULL SERVICE Conveyorized Tunnel Carwash .
8. Buy land, build an EXPRESS Exterior ConveyorizedTunnel Carwash, ramp-up the volume & retain it as an income stream. The Cash on Cash Return for this strategy has industry veterans hungry for correctly positioned land parcels meeting the site criteria for this most popular concept that now outnumbers the Full Service Tunnel Carwash nationwide. To see the expected returns for this strategy, click here on: 141.0% ROC @ NTI EXPRESS Exterior Conveyorized Tunnel Carwash .
9. The NEW WAVE in Carwash Configurations! For a look at the strategy involving DUAL 60' tunnels on a small 20,000 SF corner lot, click here on: 35.0% ROC @ NTI DUAL 60' Tunnels .
10. If you want the links to all of the above published ROC Gas Station and Carwash scenarios on a single page exhibit, please click here on: Links to all 9 ROC Scenarios on a single page .
Jack may be reached at:
J. R. "Jack" Muellerleile V. 714.220.1806 ~ F. 714.826.1143 ~ M. 714.865.6494 E. jrm@4VQP.com